

Developing a sustainability strategy and integrating it within business processes is a challenging task; however, it pays off for every company. Whether not yet implemented or already established; Swiss Climate supports you in establishing, further developing or refining, as well as in embedding a successful sustainability management within your business strategy. In this way you combine profitability with ecological responsibility and social engagement.

More on sustainability management

"Do good and make it known". Transparency, responsibility and sustainable management are the goal; internal and external communication as well as refined processes in sustainability reporting serve as a means of achieving the goals.

Swiss Climate supports you and prepares with you a tailored sustainability report and other communication materials, adjusted to the format requested by your company.

More on sustainability report

Die Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen an alle Unternehmen werden immer komplexer und umfassender. Einzelne Personen im Unternehmen können die Thematik nicht mehr ausreichend voranbringen. Nachhaltigkeit muss strategisch im Unternehmen verankert und gelebt werden, um zielgerichtet Fortschritte zu erzielen. Eine gute Nachhaltigkeits-Governance ist der Schlüssel für eine gute Nachhaltigkeits-Performance.

More on sustainabiliy-governance

EcoVadis serves to monitor sustainability performance within a company's supply chain. More than 55,000 companies use EcoVadis to reduce risks, promote innovation and create trust and transparency between business partners. The Ecovadis questionnaire covers 198 purchasing categories, 110 countries and 21 sustainability indicators. Over 300 of the world's leading multinational companies are EcoVadis partners.

Swiss Climate offers you tailor-made solutions for submitting EcoVadis-compliant reports and constantly improving your annual rating.

More on EcoVadis consulting

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a non-profit organization with the goal of increasing transparency regarding environmental data. International companies and cities disclose information about climate-harming greenhouse gas emissions, climate risks, and water consumption and are evaluated by CDP in comparison to others.

Swiss Climate is the first Silver Consultancy Partner of CDP in Switzerland and Austria. We offer customized solutions to help you submit CDP-compliant reports and continuously improve your annual CDP rating.

Swiss Climate offers you tailor-made solutions for submitting EcoVadis-compliant reports and constantly improving your annual rating.

More on CDP consultancy

Swiss Climate recommends that you set ambitious climate goals to control your corporate CO2 emissions. This way, you have a clear plan for where you want to go. Swiss Climate ensures that your goals are climate-compatible and applies the principles of Science-Based Targets (SBT) to achieve this. Already, hundreds of companies have set science-based climate goals (SBTs) to limit global warming to well below 2°C.

More on Science Based Targets