For companies
A comprehensive CO2 management combines ecological and economic advantages. It supports process optimisation as well as resource efficiency regarding costs, energy and time. Your company benefits from a competitive advantage through attractive and sustainable positioning.
An integral CO2 management pays off for every company; irrespective of industry. Swiss Climate has developed a unique model for CO2 management of your company in accordance with ISO 14064-1 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Companies with an integral climate strategy are awarded the Swiss Climate CO2 labels Gold, Silver or Bronze.
Our services
- Opportunity and risk analysis for your company and definition of a climate goal
- Stakehodler and industry analysis to adequately position your company
- Analysis of relevant CO2 emission sources and definition of operational goals
- Workshops to define your climate strategy
Your benefits
- Introduction of a goal-oriented and integral climate strategy
- Support from employees thanks to raised awareness
- Attractive and more sustainable positioning
Our services
- Calculation of CO₂ footprint in accordance with international standards (ISO 14064-1 and Greenhouse Gas Protocol)
- Plausibility checks with available CO₂ footprints
- Consultancy on selection and definition of system boundaries and CO₂ emission factors
- IT tools to simplify data collection
- Analysis and reports, including assessment of status quo
Your benefits
- Assessment of status quo
- Minimisation of inefficient work processes by introducing goal-oriented improvement measures
- Basis for sustainability reporting and benchmark analysis
- Feedback mechanism through annual revision
Your benefits
- Development of tailored measure catalogues (internal, across the entire value chain, external)
- Quantification of CO₂ emission reductions and cost savings
- Employee trainings and raising awareness
- Communication of subsidies for climate friendly investments
- Communcation of technology partners for selected solutions
- Consultancy on a suitable CO₂ compensation which is aligned with your strategy
Your benefits
- Resource and cost efficiency
- Higher competitiveness by being a role model and public image
- Change and adaptation of outdated behavioural patterns
Our services
- Three stepped awards with an externally validated seal of quality: BRONZE CERTIFICATE, SILVER CERTIFICATE or GOLD CERTIFICATE
- Consultancy on developing climate strategies and CO₂ footprints in accordance with ISO 14001 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
Your benefit
- Credibility and transparency towards diverse stakeholders
- Improvement of market positions thanks to highest quality of the label
- Higher competitiveness through external validation. Only 40 of the 100 largest companies in Switzerland have their CO₂ footprint verified by an independent organization (CDP report Switzerland 2010)
Our services
- Workshops on developing communication concepts
- Preparation of communication materials (e.g. certificates, logos and media releases)
- Support in internal communication
- Organisation of press conferences
- Support in completing questionnaires from suppliers, investors (e.g. CDP) and other stakeholders
Your benefits
- Credible communication thanks to the CO₂ label
- Positive public image
- Raised awareness of employees
- Motivational driver for employees, customers and partners towards stronger engagement for climate protection